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Alleghany County Parks and Recreation

Alleghany County Parks & Recreation

Flag Football


Purpose of the League

  • The goal of this league is to teach the fundamentals of the game of football, in a minimal contact setting, which is safe for the players.
  • No tackling or blocking is allowed.  This should create a fun and fast-paced game.



  • Ages:  5-6 year old's.  Must turn 5 years old on or before October 1st and may not turn 7 on or before October 1st.



  • The number of practices and their location will be determined by the Head Coach.



  • The responsibility of determining whether teams combine or divide rests with the Recreation Department.  As a general rule, if a team is larger than 16 players, they will be divided into two teams.  Extenuating circumstances may affect the application of the aforementioned rule. 



  • Playing Field.  The playing field is 30 yards wide and 70 yards long, with two 10 yard end zones and a midfield line-to-gain. Also, there will be a line placed ten yards from the goal line where: 1) possession begins to start a half or after a score, or 2) where point after touchdowns are attempted.
  • Scoring.  In Youth Flag Football, no score will be kept. 


  • Referees.  Since maintaining score is not the object of this league, one coach from each team will act as the referees.


  • Game Length.  The game is comprised of two twenty (20) minutes halves.  The clock runs continuously.  There will be a five (5) minute intermission between halves.


  • Timeouts.  There are no timeouts in flag football.  However, if weather becomes a factor (for example, heat), teams may mutually agree to take breaks from the game.


  • Number of players on field.  Five (5) players on the field for each team at one time.  The center/snapper is the only one that must be on the line of scrimmage.


  • Kickoffs.  There are NO kickoffs.  Each team starts every possession from their own 10 yard line.


  • Tackling.  No tackling is allowed, and is a defensive penalty.   “Tackling” in flag football can only be accomplished by removing the ball carrier’s flag.


  • Coach on the Field.  In addition to the coaches who are referees (with a whistle), there may be one coach in the backfield during the huddle, offensive or defensive.

  • Blocking.  There is no actual blocking.  Blocking is an offensive penalty. 


  • First Downs.  Once taking possession, teams have four (4) downs to advance to the midfield line-to-gain.  If the team fails to reach that line, possession transfers to the other team at that spot where 4th down ends.


  • Punting.  Kicking does not take place in flag football.  If a team wants to “punt” on 4th down, the ball will be moved to either the midfield line-to-gain, or the opposing teams 10 yard line, whichever is closest.


  • Fumbles.  There are no fumbles.  The play is immediately marked dead at the spot where the ball is fumbled (where possession is lost).  No team can gain yardage by way of a fumble.


  • Interceptions.  Interceptions are returnable, even on extra point attempts.


  • Play Ends.  The ball is dead when 1) it hits the ground, 2) the offensive player’s flag is pulled, 3) the ball-carrier steps out of bounds, or 4) the ball-carrier’s body-outside of their hands and/or feet-touches the ground.


  • Eligible Receivers.  Every offensive player is an eligible receiver.


  • Defensive Rush.  Any player lined up seven yards off the line of scrimmage is eligible to rush.  However if they do so, the quarterback (QB) may run.  Until the defense rushes, the QB cannot run the football.  Once the QB hands the ball off, any defensive player may rush.


  • Hiking the Ball.  The ball can be centered through one’s legs, or from the side.  The ball can be centered to anyone in the backfield.


  • Point after Touchdown.  The PAT or Extra Point will be attempted from the ten (10) yard line.  This gives a child another opportunity to “score”.


  • Cleats.  Cleats may be worn, but no metal cleats are allowed.


  • Jewelry.  For safety reasons, no jewelry please.


  • Mouth Guards.  Mouth guards or pieces may be worn.



  • All offensive penalties result in a loss of down and yardage.
  • All defensive penalties result in an automatic first down and yardage.


o    False Start on Offense, Off Sides on Defense. (5 yards),

o   Pass Interference on both offensive and Defensive players. (10 yards),

o   Unsportsmanlike Conduct- or Tackling. (10 yards),

o   Blocking/Holding (offensive or defensive) (5 yards from original line of scrimmage),

o   Shielding Flags with hands or arms(5 yards from the spot of the offense)

Contact Us

Alleghany County Parks & Recreation

9212 Winterberry Avenue, Suite B
Covington, Virginia 24426

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 540-863-6622
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